The hacker, Nuhu Mustapha with username nuhumustapha55 and forged email [email protected] is a hacker claiming to be Sidra team.
Stay away from him
The hacker, Nuhu Mustapha with username nuhumustapha55 and forged email [email protected] is a hacker claiming to be Sidra team.
Stay away from him
0xf09404c8E7730e70A63b1AD3Db9b95A49D405984 the owner of this address also pretending to be an official of Sidra Info team to help me get my previous stolen 671 SDA. He contacted me use this email : [email protected]
Por que ele ainda consegue usar o fórum sidra? Porquê a sidra não bloqueia ele, para ele não poder mais usar o fórum sidra?