• huuduktxdpanorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    7 months ago

    sir. During the process of sending SDA coins to a startup project, due to a network error, I pressed send multiple times for one project. Send 5 times total 500 SDA. In the startup project, I see that the 100 SDA I contributed does not show the amount of 500 SDA, does this have any effect? Thank you.

  • agbeanenyo101panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    7 months ago

    all my contributions to the various projects have been updated. the amounts are correct now. thank you.

  • aramra77panorama_fish_eye
    5 posts
    7 months ago

    Text with emphasisla valeur d 1 SDA sa dépasse 100$ et toi tu dis 0.40$

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • agbeanenyo101panorama_fish_eye
    21 posts
    7 months ago

    I just changed my profile picture, and I can't access sidrastart.com. Every time I log in, it takes me back to the login page. What should I do?

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • havanlampanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    7 months ago

    You cannot send SDA from an external walle

  • havanlampanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    7 months ago

    tài khoản của tôi lúc trước tạo ví metamask giờ không thể tham gia vào mục đầu tư dự án. làm ơn khi tôi gởi vào thì có thông báo :You cannot send SDA from an external walle

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • mikart1panorama_fish_eye
    36 posts
    7 months ago

    Can't login to my sidra start account i don't know why

  • robocon2009panorama_fish_eye
    7 posts
    7 months ago

    Our project aims to create an online platform that connects maintenance and repair professionals with users worldwide. The platform will facilitate easy booking, communication, and payment for services, enhancing the efficiency of the maintenance and repair industry. www.sidrastart.com/project/58c397c7-f311-43b6-9e15-dc1f6b59cf70

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Greeting Everyone, I have a powerful project in sidra app that I have been working on for about 4 months. 🥰⚘

    If you like to invest in my project, we will win together, thanks


    Ewave Market

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • drandroidpanorama_fish_eye
    600 posts
    7 months ago

    Invest and contribute in "Ewave Market" and win a prize!

    **What are the conditions?
    We give an NFT as a gift to anyone who contribute and invests in our project.

    Ewave Market

    **What is this NFT? and what are its features?
    This NFT includes a 30% discount code that you can use when our project's store is launched.
    You can sell this NFT on our store, OpenSea, and other marketplaces.

    **How can I receive the prize?
    Contribute and invest in our project through the following link, and then message @mahdi_shekarii on Telegram to receive your NFT.

    **Our project link : www.sidrastart.com/project/7ee25249-0263-4c99-96f9-22774f3c629f

    ✅ Ewave Market is an multi-purpose cryptocurrency project to generate revenue for investors. The project includes developing a web3 marketplace, a Telegram bot for mining, and a metaverse. The project fully complies with Islamic financial principles and strictly prohibits any form of theft or scam. ✅ Join our project and secure your financial future. Soon we will win together ⚘

    💟 Website : ewmarket.net/
    💟White Paper : ewmarket.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/ewm_whitepaper.pdf
    💟 TG : t.me/ewave_chat
    💟 Twitter : x.com/ewave_market
    💟 Instagram : www.instagram.com/ewmarket

  • alunkpanorama_fish_eye
    11 posts
    7 months ago

    Our project aims to create high-quality furniture using recycled plastic waste, addressing environmental concerns and promoting sustainable living. Through innovative design and skilled craftsmanship, we transform plastic waste into durable and stylish furniture pieces.


  • aristarifarpanorama_fish_eye
    3 posts
    7 months ago

    Our online crowd sourcing project aims to create a platform dedicated to building housing units to cater to the specific needs of Sidra users in Indonesia. By leveraging technology, we intend to provide a seamless and user-friendly experience for individuals searching for homes that adhere to Islamic principles.


  • ieanpanorama_fish_eye
    4 posts
    7 months ago

    The project aims to establish an online platform that facilitates the distribution of food to the underprivileged, orphans, and the elderly in Indonesia. Through this platform, donors can contribute funds, and local suppliers and volunteers can coordinate the sourcing and distribution of meals to those in need.


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