Important public Awareness message
Please be aware and don't send your Sidra tokens to Athene P2P platform if you send your asset will burn due huge scam at athene P2P platform be aware.
Important public Awareness message
Please be aware and don't send your Sidra tokens to Athene P2P platform if you send your asset will burn due huge scam at athene P2P platform be aware.
My sidra chain wallet got hacked. The hacker is from china. I found out it has been sent to this address 0x2727c2eA60E988a263CA9c76e1cB85f02cA90ED7 and this is the transaction details 0x0114e64a9cecf92a2d2581d7028ee1a214994f142662fead2d8e55853448ded4 please help to get my 97 ST
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