assalamu Alaykum sir this is the complete details of what has happened to my account that I posted in 5 hours ago about the hacker who hacked my account and stole my Sidra coins which is almost 665.5, so now I'm appealing to the sidra core team that they should please consider my issue, I have all the evidence and the screen shot of the transaction from my account to the hacker account .
the transactions were from my address, and this is my wallet address :
Transaction hash address: 0x19ea7aac77d8dc65cef7ba5f21d632847fbd504a4790d51885a9c774325db7e2
To those wallet address:
To: 0x75CdD38E69b0ed2F6a3f7D772151C5254d6232Ef
Amount: 126 SDA
Date and time: 11/11/2024, 20:49:39
Status: Success
Transaction hash: 0x64A8FaEB9edcAF2aC7D1cDf66A3d9c8Bcf9d6eC7
To: 0x64A8FaEB9edcAF2aC7D1cDf66A3d9c8Bcf9d6eC7
Amount: 180.5 SDA
Date and time: 22/10/2024, 06:01:51
Status: success
Transaction hash: 0x64A8FaEB9edcAF2aC7D1cDf66A3d9c8Bcf9d6eC7
Amount: 180 SDA
Date and time: 14/10/2024, 14:33:46 Status: Success
Transaction hash:0x64A8FaEB9edcAF2aC7D1cDf66A3d9c8Bcf9d6eC7
Amount: 179 SDA
Date and time:06/10/2024, 16:08:38 Status Success